Crown reductions, thinning, and lifting

  • Crown reduction is often requested when trees pose a safety risk. By reducing the overall size of the crown, the tree becomes less likely to cause damage.

    This process allows for better air circulation and light penetration, promoting the tree's overall health and reducing the risk of diseases.

Tree Removal

  • At Enviro, we understand that trees hold a special place in our natural environment. However, there are instances when tree removal becomes necessary. One such situation is when a tree becomes diseased or infested with pests beyond the point of recovery. These conditions can weaken the tree's structure, compromise its stability, and pose a potential danger to people and property nearby.

    Additionally, if a tree grows in a location where its roots interfere with underground utilities or its branches threaten nearby structures, removal may be the most sensible option. Our team of skilled arborists evaluates each tree meticulously, considering its health, structural integrity, and the potential risks it may pose, in order to make informed decisions regarding tree removal while prioritising the preservation and safety of our natural surroundings.


  • Pollarding a tree can offer numerous benefits for both the tree and its surroundings. Pollarding is a pruning technique that involves removing the upper branches of a tree systematically, leaving only a framework of thick branches. One significant advantage of pollarding is that it helps control the size and shape of the tree, making it ideal for urban environments with limited space.It also promotes the formation of dense foliage at the pollard level, creating an attractive and distinctive appearance.

Tree Inspections

  • Having trees inspected is essential for numerous reasons. Inspections help detect any signs of disease, pest infestation, or structural weakness that may compromise the health and stability of the tree.

    Timely identification of these issues allows us to implement effective treatment measures, preventing further damage. They can also help identify potential hazards, such as overgrown branches or weak limbs, that may pose a threat to people or property.

    By conducting regular tree inspections, our expert arborists ensure the longevity, safety, and beauty of your trees, thus preserving the overall aesthetic and environmental value of your landscape.

Emergency Tree Work: Ensuring Safety and Swift Action

  • At Enviro, our team of experts understands the urgency involved in emergency tree work.

    Our well-equipped crew is adept at efficiently removing fallen branches, trimming hazardous limbs, and even safely extracting large trees if necessary.


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